Our demo center will help you find the best solution!
The Klasand company pays great attention to our customer satisfaction. For this reason we offer you to use our modern demo center that will help you solve your machining problems.
Demo center has up to date equipment including most of welding, grinding, drilling and boring machines that we offer in our program. We offer wide range of grinding materials and additional materials for welding which you can test on your products.
So you can test each product before buying it. In this way we facilitate your purchasing decision.
Our business partners can test the operation and advantages of all the machines and tools from our program on their own product (or on our materials) and with the help of our trained sales technicians find the best solution for individual machining problems.
When cooperating with us you will get a partner who will based on his longstanding experiences, knowledge and up to date equipped demo center know how to solve your machining problems.